University Baptist Church
Adopted October 1981; Revised October 1996, November 2017
1. When the need to search for a Pastor of University Baptist Church arises, the Chair of Deacons will select a date for the congregation to choose the Pastor Search Committee. Five members of University Baptist Church shall compose the Pastor Search Committee; at least one male and at least one female shall be on the committee. A ballot shall be given to each member present at the set time of election upon which the member shall write or circle the names of not more than five members. The Tabulating Committee shall tabulate the votes and give the results to the Nominating Committee, who will then canvass the top vote receivers to select the Pastor Search Committee. The five members receiving the greatest number of votes (provided they include at least one male and at least one female) shall, upon their acceptance, constitute the Pastor Search Committee. Upon the refusal or inability of one elected to serve, the one receiving the next highest number of votes shall be considered elected . The committee shall elect its own chair.
2. The Pastor Search Committee shall be responsible for filling the pulpit until a pastor is called. Offers of compensation to an interim pastor or supply preacher should be made in consultation with the Personnel Committee and Finance Committee.
3 The Pastor Search Committee shall investigate and recommend to the church the name of a person to serve as Pastor. This recommendation will also contain the agreement which has been made between the prospective Pastor the Pastor Search Committee, the Personnel Committee, and the Finance Committee with regard to salary and benefits, vacation, and other employment details.
4. When the Pastor Search Committee is ready to make its presentation of a prospective Pastor, the church congregation shall be notified at all Sunday worship services that on the following Sunday morning (name of prospective pastor) will be presented to the church. Other appropriate publicity shall give the date on which such presentation will be made.
5. On the designated Sunday (this may be the same or some following Sunday) during the morning worship service, the recommendation of the Pastor Search Committee shall be received together with the reasons for its recommendation. After a motion is made and seconded that the recommended person be called as Pastor and after a full discussion, a vote by written ballot shall be taken. Members who cannot be present on the date the vote is to be taken may vote by absentee ballot. Ballots must be delivered to the designated location in the church by the time the church office closes before the Sunday of the vote. If 80% or more of the members of the church voting shall cast their vote in favor of calling the person recommended, a call to the recommended person shall be extended forthwith by the Pastor Search Committee. However, if there is negative sentiment of more than 20% of those voting, the recommendation shall be turned back to the Pastor Search Committee for further study and investigation.
6. If a call is not extended by the church to the person recommended by the Pastor Search Committee, as above provided, or if the person called by the church declines to accept such call, then the Pastor Search Committee shall begin anew its investigation and come before the church in the same manner with its second recommendation. This method shall proceed until a Pastor has been secured.
7. The church shall allow the called person a reasonable time to accept or decline.
8. After the Pastor is called and begins ministry at the church, the committee's work is complete and the committee is dissolved.
UBC: 10-81
Last Update 11/10/2017