Personnel Committee March 7, 2018
Leave Policy-Full Time Page 1 of 3

Proposed Policy Regarding Vacation, Leave, Supply, and Holiday Schedule for Full-Time Ministerial and Administrative Employees

The Personnel Committee proposes the following to assist the church in developing fair, equitable, and understandable policies regarding vacation, leave, and supply resources for fulltime staff:

Vacation, Leave, Supply, and Holiday Schedule for Full-Time Ministerial and Administrative Employees

For ministerial staff, a week is defined as all Sunday morning services, Wednesday evening activities, and the additional time spent each week carrying out the tasks necessary to conduct the particular ministry. For administrative staff a week is defined as the employees normal weekly work schedule.


Full-time ministerial and administrative staff vacation leave will be based on the total years of full-time service at University Baptist Church. Previous years of service in ministry may be considered on an individual basis at the time of initial employment. Vacation leave will be earned as follows:

0 through 6 months No vacation
6 months through 1 year 1 week vacation
1 year through 4 years 2 weeks vacation
5 years through 9 years 3 weeks vacation
10 years or more 4 weeks vacation

An employee may carry over one week of unused vacation leave from year to year. The maximum amount of vacation that an employee may take in one year is one week over the employee’s annual vacation leave described above. The personnel administrator is responsible for maintaining the record of unused vacation leave.

Vacation may be taken in increments as small as one-half day but no more than one Sunday and one Wednesday may be taken per “week” of vacation.

Full-time ministerial staff who plan to use their vacation leave must submit a written request and obtain approval from the pastor or Personnel Committee in advance of the planned absence. The request must contain the following:

Proposed dates of absence(s)
Person(s) who have been contracted to provide substitute services

Full-time administrative employees who plan to use their vacation leave must submit a written request and obtain approval from the pastor or his designated alternative in advance of the planned absence.

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Leave Policy-Full Time Page 2 of 3

The church budget will reflect supply resources needed to cover only the number of vacation weeks.

Sick Leave

Full-time ministerial and administrative staff members will accrue one day paid sick leave each month. No more than 30 days of unused sick leave may be accrued. Paid sick leave may be used for the illness of the employee or an immediate family member, but is not intended to be used as additional vacation time. The employee must report the need to use sick leave to the pastor or personnel administrator at the beginning of the absence and must notify the same party upon returning to work. The personnel administrator is responsible for maintaining the record of sick leave used and accrued.

Bereavement Leave

Full-time staff will be allotted one week as defined above per year of paid bereavement leave for necessary time lost from work in the event of the death of a spouse (husband or wife), child (natural, adopted, foster, step), parent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother or sister, or grandparent. In the event of the death of another relative that has played a major role in the rearing of an employee the personnel committee may authorize one day of bereavement leave. This leave cannot be accrued.

The personnel committee may extend this leave but not retroactively. If a staff member needs additional time, he or she should contact the chair of the personnel committee before the completion of the leave described above to request an extension.

The employee must report the need to use bereavement leave to the pastor or personnel administrator as soon as possible and must notify the same party upon returning to work.

Leave For Events and Conferences

The church encourages its ministry staff to be involved in events and conferences related to Baptist life. The pastor will work with staff to identify, coordinate, and schedule attendance at events and conferences with due regard being given to local ministerial needs during the conference or event period. The pastor will also coordinate appropriate use of funds the church makes available for staff. Attending events will be considered part of the staff member’s work week.

Leave For Professional Development

The church recognizes the desirability of its employees developing skills and expertise related to their jobs. With this in mind, each staff member is encouraged to attend appropriate seminars or workshops that will directly enhance their ability to carry out his or her position. The pastor will work with staff to identify, coordinate and approve appropriate professional development opportunities with due regard being given to local ministerial needs during the time development

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Leave Policy-Full Time Page 3 of 3

is taking place. The pastor will also coordinate appropriate use of funds the church makes available for staff development. Attending professional development opportunities will be considered part of the staff member’s work week.

Absences in Excess of Approved Leave

A full time staff member who is absent beyond the approved time will have their salary reduced by the amount stated for a supply worker in the church budget. The reduction is to cover the additional cost of providing a supply worker.

During any paid leave, the church has a reasonable expectation of the staff member regarding response to electronic communication.

Full-time ministerial staff will continue to receive their regular salary during times of vacation, sick, or bereavement leave. In addition, regular salary for non-hourly staff will continue to be paid upon absences due to leave for personal reasons beyond the leave described above. The Personnel Committee is charged with oversight of staff who appear to be abusing the number of personal absences on a regular basis.


The following holidays will be allowed as paid holidays for church staff members and the church offices will be closed:

New Year's Day or the following Monday
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day, Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Friday after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas or the following Monday
New Year’s Eve

Holidays falling on a Saturday or Sunday, may be observed on the preceding or following work day.

Leave for the birth or adoption of a child is not covered in this document.

There will be no payment made for any unused leave time.

This policy replaces all other policies and procedures related to leave for full-time employees and holiday schedule.