University Baptist Church 
Deacon Nomination Procedure


The Deacon body shall consist of a sufficient number of deacons to support no more than 10-12 church families per deacon (currently we have 15 active deacons but this number can be changed upon recommendation by the deacon body and approval of the church). The members of the active Deacon body shall serve three year terms with one third of its members rotating off each year. Each year the church will normally elect enough members to fill the vacancies for the following three years. Below is the procedure for the annual election of Deacons:

1. At least one week prior to the first Sunday in February, the church office shall mail to each church household a letter outlining the basic qualifications for the office of Deacon, a list of eligible members and ballots for nominating Deacon candidates. Those eligible for nomination to serve as Deacons shall consist of all resident adults (21 years of age and older) who have been members at least one year. Active Deacons, including those Deacons completing their three year term of service, will not be eligible for nomination.

2. Nominations for Deacon may be submitted by written ballot during the first two weeks of February. The nominating ballots may be placed in the provided ballot box or may be mailed to the church office for those unable to submit them personally.

3. Each member of University Baptist Church may submit a number of nominees equal to the number of vacancies to be filled for the election period.

4. The Canvassing Committee shall be the group of Deacons rotating off the active Deacon body for that election period. The Canvassing Committee shall receive a ranked list of the nominee ballots from the tabulating committee following the completion of the nomination process. This list shall be retained until the next election cycle begins.

5. The Deacon Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson of the Canvassing Committee and the Pastor shall serve as a member. The Chairperson shall notify the other members of the Canvassing Committee of meeting dates.

6. Nominees will then be contacted by the Canvassing Committee to verify their qualifications and their willingness to serve as deacon. The Canvassing Committee will confirm with new Deacon nominees their understanding of the Biblical qualifications for the Deacon and their commitment to the Deacon ministry within this congregation. The Canvassing Committee will work from the top down on the ranked nominee list until the required number of qualified candidates have agreed to serve.

7. The Canvassing Committee will present the names of the qualified candidates to the church for affirmation by written ballot.

8. It is the duty of the Canvassing Committee to report the results of the selection process to the Church not later than the last Sunday in May.

9. The newly elected Deacons will begin their term of service on the first Sunday of October.

10. Any elected Deacon who has not yet been ordained shall be ordained during a special service dedicated solely for that purpose before the term of service begins on the first Sunday of October.

11. During the time interval between their election and the beginning of their term of service, new Deacons will be afforded the opportunity for training sessions and opportunities to learn of the Deacon Family Ministry plan of the Church.

12. A vacancy may be declared by the Deacon body as the result of an active Deacon being unable to perform the duties of the position by reason of death, disability, moving or resignation. It will be at the discretion of the Deacon body whether the remainder of such a term will be filled at the next election or if the Canvassing Committee will be asked to bring a nomination before the church from the most recent list of deacon nominees.

13. If the vacancy or term to be filled is no more than one year, then the Deacon serving it shall be eligible to be elected again immediately for a three year term. However, if the term is more than one year, rotation off the council for one full year shall be required before being eligible for re-election.