Expanding on the 75th Anniversary Celebration booklet, produced in 1996
University Baptist History 75th Anniversary Edition Fall 1996
Cover: Donna Atchley; Composition & Copy: Terri Swanson
Editing & Proofing: Rick McClatchy, Marguerite Guinn
75th Anniversary Committee:
Bill Malone
Janell Cullison
David Breedlove
Rick McClatchy
Don Sandley
100th Anniversary Committee:
Tom Terry
John Parrish
Marguerite Guinn McDowell
Michael Atchley
Justin Dunn
History of Univeristy Baptist Church
June, 2021
William E. Malone, Bonnie Williamson,
Lyndell P. Worthen, Jr.,
Rick McClatchy,
Justin Dunn
1921 - 1945
"In future years preachers and missionaries will go out from old North Church," said J. R. Eliff, preaching at the organizational meeting of North Church (later known as University Baptist Church) in June 1921. Thus began the vision of University Baptist Church. It was a need for a new fellowship of believers that brought North Church to life. A number of families living on the northern edge of Shawnee found participation in a downtown church difficult because of transportation. The streetcar which ran from town to OBU was inconvenient and expensive.
Under the leadership of Reverend J. L. Guthrie, Reverend J. E. Akin, and Reverend William Whicker, these people met in June of 1921, at the home of J. L.Guthrie at 310 W. North Street (later MacArthur Drive) to organize into a church. They gathered without the sponsorship of another Baptist church and with the resistance of some who did not want another Baptist church in Shawnee.
Approximately twenty persons signed the church charter. Some of the charter members were: Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Guthrie, Mattie Guthrie, Ruth Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. William Whicker, Pauline Whicker, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ellis, Mary Ellis, Mr.and Mrs. J. E. Akin, Ruth Akin, and Mrs. J. W. Atteberry. A number of others, including Mrs. Velma Clotfelter were present at the meeting, but they waited to write for their church letters. Reverend J. E. Akin served as moderator of this first meeting, and Dr. J. L.Guthrie was elected pastor.
Through the summer and into the fall the Guthrie home continued to serve as the meeting place of the newly organized church. This part of the town had no electricity; therefore, the church used an old gas lantern to light their services. According to Rita Collier Hedges of Lyford, Texas, "A revival was held in 1921 by Brother William Whicker at Acme School, two miles west of OBU. Converts from the revival were baptized in a pond on the L. M. Collier farm one mile north and 1.5 miles west of OBU. Among those baptized were the three Collier girls, Rita, Novella, and Marie, and their mother Pearl Collier. Mr. Collier was already a Baptist."
In the fall of 1921, the church, using volunteer labor, built a crude tabernacle at 2613 North Kickapoo. This structure had a dirt and sawdust floor, homemade benches, and a pot-bellied stove. The hinged, wooden flaps used for windows reached to the floor. They could be pushed out and propped up, enabling one to walk out the windows. Ewell Montgomery recalls that he could stand on the ground beside the building and lay his hand on the roof.
Velma Clotfelter relates, "As I remember the early days of North Church, I recall how people with different talents and abilities came into the fellowship and were eager to find a place to serve. At first there was no pianist or music director. Two girls from OBU, who were close friends, united with the church. One could play the piano and the other had some ability to direct music. They served that first semester and maybe longer. Others came who were capable Sunday School teachers. A close bond of Christian fellowship grew among these early members."
Rita Collier Hedges recalls, "During my high school days, I taught primary Sunday School. Also I was active in BYPU. The pastor, Dr. Guthrie, tutored me in violin for church services. My sister Novella played the piano. Our little orchestra didn't play too long, because Dr. Guthrie ended his pastorate in 1926. Later we formed a choir and sat on two wooden benches behind the pulpit. The church grew in number, and we had another baptizing."
Dr. Guthrie was succeeded in 1926 by the second pastor, Olen Cornelius, a student at OBU. He served the church until December 4, 1927. The third pastor, C. H. Evans served only from February until July 1928.
These were years of growth and development for the church. It was also a time when the church took a stand on what they saw to be the moral issues of the day. During January 1927, the church issued a letter of appreciation to Dr. J. B. Round for his stand against an Inaugural Ball. In February of the same year, Brother Stith was elected to meet with other representatives to organize against Sunday picture shows. On March 6. 1927. the church approved a motion to tell the local paper that North Church was "for federal officials cleaning up Shawnee", and a committee was appointed to visit people breaking the Sunday law and disturbing church services. Finally, on October 17, 1927, the church issued a letter of commendation to Dr. J. B. Rounds for his stand against the teaching of evolution in state schools.
A. F. Loftin became the fourth pastor in August 1928. While the various pastors were coming and going, the main work of the church moved ahead.
On August 22, 1928, the church voted to begin building construction by August 27th; however, it was in September 1928, that construction began on the three story brick building which presently is the north education wing. (The third story was removed during the 1976 renovation.) The intention was to build an attached sanctuary to the north.
The church held services for some weeks in the auditorium of Shawnee Hall at OBU, since the old Tabernacle had been torn down and the materials used for construction of the new facility.
Loftin resigned as pastor October 12, 1930, and was followed February 22, 1931, by the fifth pastor, O. E. Thompson. From its inception the church had borne the name North Church and had incorporated with the State of Oklahoma under that name on March 7, 1928. The church's name, North Church, created a considerable amount of confusion as to whether affiliation had been made with the Northern or Southern Baptist Convention. On March 4, 1931, the name was changed to University Baptist Church. To complete the new name change, the church incorporated for the second time on April 11,1940.
Thompson resigned as pastor on March 26, 1933, to move to Cordell, Oklahoma, as owner and president of Cordell College.
The sixth pastor, W. O. Miller, was called in July 1933, and was to be paid sixty percent of the church receipts. During Miller's pastorate, the church dealt with the potentially divisive issue of receiving divorced persons into church membership. The church decided to receive these persons into full membership. Miller resigned as pastor in July 1937.
Leon Gambrell became the seventh pastor September 1, 1937, and under his leadership the church engaged in its third building program.
The church was faced with the challenge of a church field of some five thousand local residents, the OBU students and families, and the National Youth Administration school. The ground breaking for the proposed building took place in 1938 with Dr. Roland Q. Leavell of the Department of Evangelism of the Home Mission Board as guest speaker. A golden shovel which had been used to break ground for a church in West Point, Georgia, was used to officially break the ground. William Decker, who had previously built nine churches, was to supervise the construction.
The church then faced severe financial difficulties and sent letters of appeals to various people including Senator Josh Lee of Norman, Oklahoma, J. L. Kraft of Kraft Foods, J. Lloyd Ford of Shawnee Milling Company. Concern was so great that T. E. Goodson offered the church a farm which was respectfully refused.
In place of a proposed $50,000 brick sanctuary, in 1939 the church erected a temporary wooden Tabernacle, using volunteer labor. Workers included Arval Putnam. Hugh Brown, who designed our present sanctuary, was also the designer for this proposed church. The concrete of our patio area was the floor of the white wooden tabernacle which extended to the east edge of our fellowship hall. Originally it was to be the basement floor of the proposed sanctuary.
The church, on August 9, 1938, purchased a lot at Falls Creek Baptist Assembly for future construction of a Falls Creek cabin.
W. A. Boston was unanimously called as the eighth pastor in July 1941. During Brother Boston's tenure the church established a rotating system of deacons.
Dr. Clifton Malone was called as the ninth pastor on October 15 1943. He led the church to purchase a parsonage at 114 W. Georgia. (In 1959 the parsonage was sold to church members Arval and Anna Putnam.) In March 1945, the Musson Baptist Mission, was organized under the sponsorship of University Baptist. Herbert Lee was director of this mission. On December 1, 1946, the mission was organized into the Musson Missionary Baptist Church, later renamed Hilltop Baptist Church. Thirty-one members of University Baptist became charter members at the Musson church. A highlight of the ministry of Dr. Malone was a watchnight service, December 31, 1944, when at exactly twelve midnight, the note of indebtedness on all church property was burned. Dr. Malone resigned on August 7, 1945, to become chairman of the English Department at OBU.
1945 - 1977
Dr. T. Grady Nanney was called as the tenth pastor on August 12, 1945, and served the longest tenure up to that time. During his pastorate, the church built Kiddie Kottage - a child day-care facility - employed Pat Fugate as full-time minister of education, did preliminary work toward the construction of a new sanctuary which was to become the fourth building project of the church, and constructed the first Falls Creek cabin. Henry Bishop recalled that this wooden cabin was constructed in one day with volunteer labor under the direction of George Taylor.
In 1951, University Baptist Church bought the property of the Golden Acres Baptist Church. The church history of Golden Acres records: "The University Baptist Church worked with the Golden Acres Mission much longer and put forth much more effort. They (University Baptist) voted that no one could be the mission pastor except a senior at OBU. Due to this action, the mission would, many times, only have a pastor September through May. Then the rest of the year was completed by whomever they would get to come and fill in."
With Doug Williamson as mission director, the Golden Acres Baptist Mission remained a mission of University Baptist Church until it became a church on September 1, 1957.
Lorene Wagoner, long-time secretary, recalled these days in the life of University Baptist: "Among the many parts which make up the complete story of the worthwhile activities of University Baptist Church was a group called Berta K. Spooner Circle, a part of the WMU of our church. Its membership was made up largely of wives of ministerial students in OBU. Most of these families lived in what was known as Vet's Villa or in Beacon Hill apartments. Some of the men were pastors of churches, but usually without missionary organizations. The WMU of University sponsored this circle to provide opportunity for training in WMU work for these young women. In turn, these young women provided valuable help with auxiliaries, helped in VBS and sometimes in Sunday School."
Dr. Nanney often took men hunting, and with his gun, hound dog, and wise philosophy, did his mission work. He had a special way with children. He would ask the child to "Stick out your tongue." After giving his diagnosis as "chewitis", he would hand the child a nickel to buy gum. Children confided in him.
Because of the great need for child care in Shawnee and because the church needed adequate nursery facilities, the church built Kiddie Kottage where our playground is today. It was officially opened November 6, 1948, with Mrs. S. E. Gartman as director. She was followed by Linnie Alldredge who served in this capacity for many years.
The nursery became an important ministry to many young parents. For a number of years, the state WMU paid Kiddie Kottage $100 per month to keep the children of ministerial families allowing their young mothers to attend classes at OBU. This nursery served until 1978.
The present sanctuary was built over a period of five years, 1953-57. During its regular business meeting of January 7, 1 953. the church approved the establishment of a steering committee to make plans and recommend other committees as needed for building the sanctuary.
A report on December 31, 1953, showed that Hugh Brown, the architect, had drawn up plans and specifications for the new building. The church approved them.
The steering committee had only discouraging results obtaining a bonded contractor. The church desperately needed a building. June 16, 1954, Hugh Ownby reported that H. D. Ford from Tulsa would build the sanctuary for $150,000. The church encouraged Mr. Ownby to proceed.
July 21, 1954, Ownby reported that Ford had not been involved in major construction very long, therefore, he was unable to make bond. Ford offered to start construction immediately, without bond, if the church would give him $20,000 it had on hand. The church would give him other money as it became available. He explained it would then be easier for the church to obtain a loan. The church approved this plan and the work was started. By December 31. 1954, the church had paid Ford $60,000.
During the first six months of 1955, very little progress was made on the building. Ford was given $5,000 in January to help get the work going. In February and March, liens were filed against the church for materials delivered but not paid for.
A special deacons meeting was called on June 19, 1955. The Trustees were to secure a lawyer to deal with the liens. Ford was to meet with the deacons, but he did not come.
The church voted in regular monthly business meeting, July 25, 1955, to declare the contract with Ford null and void due to lack of performance.
Hugh Ownby informed the church in a special called meeting that the church needed to borrow $13,000 to go with money on hand to pay off the approved liens. The motion was made and approved. At the end of the year, one of the liens was not cleared but church's finances were getting back in shape.
On May 8, 1957, Ownby recommended that Elmer Freeman be asked to submit an offer to complete the building, contingent on his approval by the bank and the church's lawyer. Freeman was given a contract to complete the building. By the end of 1957, the sanctuary was, for all practical purposes, complete and ready to use.
On the tenth anniversary of Dr. Nanney's ministry at University Baptist Church, the church received a love offering for the purchase of an automobile. Dr. T. Grady Nanney retired in 1956 and moved to Bristow, Oklahoma, where he became chaplain for the Baptist Hospital.
Calvin C. Ussery became the eleventh pastor on February 1, 1957. He led the church to the highest Sunday School attendance in its history and to the second highest total baptisms with fifty-five in 1957. He was known for his pastoral visitation of church members.
On July 14, 1957, the cornerstone of the present sanctuary was laid. The church had borrowed $70,000 from the Federal National Bank to complete work on the sanctuary. Individual church families underwrote the note. As they signed, it was with the sacrificial intentions to refinance their homes if it became necessary.
Under Ussery, the Golden Acres Mission became a church. On January 7, 1959, the Pottawatomie-Lincoln Baptist Association moved its office from the University Baptist Church where it had been for about 14 years. Ussery resigned February 17, 1959.
John Meadows was called as the twelfth pastor April 29, 1959. The church decided to sell the parsonage at 114 W. Georgia at this time and allow the pastor to purchase a home. The remaining area of the present sanctuary was finished and used as Sunday School space. During these years Sunday School attendance continued strong and mission giving improved. In January of 1953, the church decided to dismantle the old Falls Creek cabin in preparation for future construction. Meadows resigned on July 1, 1963, to become Assistant President at OBU.
Earl Hatchett became the thirteenth pastor on November 3, 1963. He is remembered as an excellent preacher, a well-organized pastor, a great advertiser of the church, and as having a distinct interest in writing. The church established the library in June of 1965 and specified that the literature be screened for good Christian books of spiritual worth. Hatchett resigned February 28, 1967, to become pastor of the Broadway Baptist Church of Kingfisher.
Jerry Barnes became the fourteenth pastor in May 1967. During 1967 the church constructed the present Falls Creek cabin under the supervision of Elmer Freeman. On May 24, 1970, the central educational facility that presently serves the church was dedicated. Karl Kozel was chairman of this building project. This was the fifth building program of the church. During 1976, with extensive use of volunteer labor, the old educational building was remodeled into the nursery wing that we presently use. Johnny Cullison was chairman of this sixth and latest major building program of the church.
In 1974, fourteen members of the church actively involved in Volunteers in Corrections, a program ministering on a personal basis to prison inmates.
In the fall of 1976, a women's handbell choir was organized under the direction of Mary Kay Parrish. The group ministered under the name Jubilation Ringers.
Barnes served on the Shawnee Human Relations Council, which helped Shawnee to ease the tension of integration, and was active with the coffee house ministry.
With the church's cooperation, Barnes completed the Doctor of Ministry degree at Vanderbilt University. The lay leadership cared for the ministry in his absence. He resigned in December of 1977 to become pastor of the Royal Lane Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas.
1977 - 1996
Lyndell P. Worthen, Jr. became the fifteenth pastor on Memorial Day, 1978. His ministry was characterized by strong pulpit preaching and the ability to make hard decisions. One of the first decisions facing him on coming was the potential closing of the Kiddie Kottage in December 1978. Another significant decision was reorganizing the deacon election procedure to make it possible for women to be elected as Deacons.
The church also set up certain priorities to be accomplished and achieved the following: (1) the purchase of an activity bus; (2) new equipment for the preschool area; (3) the paving of the northeast parking lot; and (4) the purchase of new office equipment.
A highlight of Worthen's life was his participation in the Foreign Mission Board's Philippines Evangelistic Crusade in 1981. The church helped him finance this mission. Worthen resigned effective October 1981, to become pastor of the First Baptist Church of Arkadelphia, Arkansas.
Glen Pence became the sixteenth pastor on March 1, 1982. During his ministry, the church padded and upholstered the sanctuary pews. The church also purchased a van from donations and much of the work was accomplished by the youth and the bell choir. The youth and bell choir members collected aluminum cans and served luncheons at the church to help procure funds for the church van and other ministries such as the Falls Creek cabin and equipment.
Pence's ministry was characterized by a strong pastoral ministry to church families in crisis. He resigned as pastor September 30, 1986, to serve as chaplain at Oakcrest.
Dr. J. D. Ward became the church's seventeenth pastor on July 6, 1987. During these years, the church had grown, with significant increases in attendance and membership. The ministry to university students had been revitalized and a singles ministry begun.
A significant accomplishment of Dr. Ward's ministry was the renovation of the sanctuary. This project, which was completed in October 1988 cost approximately $300,000, and the church carried out its own pledge campaign to pay for the work. The renovation project included a new sound system, stained glass windows, improved lighting, a new organ, and refurbishing of the interior. Morning worship services were held at OBU's Dorland Theater during the summer of 1988, with evening services held in the Freeman Fellowship Hall.
Another important project that was finished in 1990 was the completion of a second story addition to the church's Falls Creek cabin. The upstairs addition benefited from the church's recycling program, which has been directed for several years by Patty McWilliams. Money received for aluminum cans has helped fund improvements for the Falls Creek cabin. Volunteer labor also played an important part in the addition.
During Ward's ministry the church purchased the property at the corner of Pulaski and Park streets. Provisions were made during his ministry for members to designate to CBF.
Ward resigned in December 1992 to become a minister in the United Methodist Church.
Dr. Rick McClatchy became the eighteenth pastor in July 1993. This humble Texan, who spoke a whole 'nother language, helped refurbish the kitchen and the preschool area. A second van was purchased. The MacArthur street property was given to the church by the Edmisten family. The church became involved in starting a Habitat for Humanity affiliate in Shawnee.
McClatchy's ministry was known for his kindness to animals, and telling stories of questionable veracity.
McClatchy resigned in September 1995 to become the first coordinator of the Cooperating Baptist Fellowship of Oklahoma.
1996 — 2021
The church extended a call to Robert Searl on August 11,1996 to become the nineteenth pastor. He accepted the call and came to the church from Northside, Lawton, on September 8, 1996. While at UBC, Bob became Dr. Bob Searl after earning his Doctor of Ministry degree from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Bob served as pastor of UBC for fifteen years during a time of great transition as the church moved along into the new millennium.
Dr. Searl’s tenure was the longest of any pastor at UBC and saw the church draw from its rich past and spring into the future. The service of women as deacons was approved by the church almost three decades earlier. But the first woman, Cathy Manuel, began serving as deacon around 1997.That same year the very first UBC website went online thanks to the efforts of Doug and Terri Swanson.
The church sold the property at 412 W. MacArthur and Habitat for Humanity of Pottawatomie County began using UBC for office space. Additionally, the long time and current church secretary Marguerite (Kozel) Guinn McDowell began serving as Habitat’s secretary. This continued until the Pott. County Habitat was dissolved. UBC continued its rich history of helping those with basic living needs. The church served as a Host Church for the Shawnee Interfaith Housing Fellowship which became Family Promise. Participants in the Family Promise program would stay at UBC for a week as members volunteered as overnight hosts. Service to other communities as well took place during a mission trip to Kansas City in 2008. Church members also helped to make Hats for Haiti.
During a period of shifting in the Southern Baptist Convention, UBC stepped in and met needs of service and ministry. In 1998 the church voted to enter a supportive relationship with IMB missionaries Ralph and Donna Manuel. That same year the church approved financial support of the Southern Baptist Historical Society. Following years of great memories and ministry, the UBC Falls Creek Cabin was transferred to Falls Creek and demolished during expansion in 2004. This transition allowed for diverse camp experiences for UBC students including Camp Barnabas which had a significant impact on a generation of students.
Moving forward during this time included honoring the long-term contributions of Dr. Laura Crouch to the UBC community in January 1999. Throughout the history of UBC the unique contributions of UBC members with ties to OBU have been profoundly meaningful. Dr. Crouch is one of many shining examples of those contributions. UBC has also been enriched by those throughout the Shawnee area from different vocations and organizations. The blending of the OBU community and the greater Shawnee community has been part of the uniqueness of UBC for the past 100 years.
Worship services also saw a transition during these years. UBC has a long history of strong music leadership and creative expression in worship. Many will recall names such as Jerome Zickrick, Gary Harton, Billy Horton, Jack Pearson, and Allen Henderson. All these men led faithfully through the years utilizing the talents of various singers, accompanists, and other countless volunteers over the years. In 1994 Randall Bradley became the music minister and marked a ministry that extended to youth and children’s choirs. When Dr. Bradley left for Baylor University in 2000, his successor at OBU Dr. John Simons became the music minister. Midway through the first decade of the 2000s, Dr. Jim Vernon, a longtime member of UBC served on staff and helped with the transition into varying music styles. Dr. Louima Lilite and Mark Borum have served as music ministers as well.
A contemporary service began on Sunday Evenings in 2003. Over the years this service has brought in people to the church and has been part of the changing landscape of UBC’s ministry. Canaan Crane and Carrie Myles have been long term leaders in this service. In 2006 a Lay Led service was begun, and this service has also been an intro point for people who have come to UBC. The transition of music styles has not always been smooth at UBC or any church, but it has offered opportunities for continued expressions of worship among the people of God at UBC. The current format of worship services with a traditional service at 8:30, contemporary at 11, and a Lay Led service was adopted in 2013. Laura Whitmore organizes and directs the music for the traditional service. There is flexibility within this format and UBC continues to find ways to be together amidst diverse styles and preferences.
The building space continues transition as well. In 2006 the main foyer, preschool lobby and hall, and main hall were all tiled. There were also updates to the walls and lighting area around the church building. The remaining properties on our block have all been purchased and cleared. Currently, UBC is in an agreement to sell a donated property in Shawnee. Building projects and property acquisitions have long served to help the church minister to the community.
In 2009 a mixed group of members led in meetings of prayer and conducted a church wide survey to help discern vision for the years ahead. The top seven conclusions from the Prayer and Discernment process were calculated and published. At this stage of the UBC journey the “Most Important” and highest priority was to nurture a generous Spirit for differences.
UBC called Dr. Steve Dominy as pastor in March of 2012. Steve, his wife and two children moved to Shawnee from Gatesville, TX. UBC continued in these years to accomplish its purpose of glorifying Jesus and serving others. Steve led the church to adopt the mission statement, “God’s People, Doing God’s Work in God’s World,” this continues guide the direction of the church at the time of writing. One example of accomplishing this mission was a trip to the Rio Grand Valley in 2014. UBC’s ministry in these years was marked with a dedication to families, the surrounding neighborhood, and young adults. Defining who we should be as a church and how to move forward really took hold during this time.
Several aspects of continued updating and transition also took place during Dominy’s tenure. The church moved to online giving in 2014, did more building updates, and purchased tables and chairs for the fellowship hall.
On Mother’s Day of 2018 the 21st and current pastor of UBC, Justin Dunn, preached his first sermon as pastor. The transition in this time was the passing of several members of UBC’s past that still echo in the present. UBC continued to hold on to its God given legacy while moving towards the days ahead. Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the church transitioned in March 2020 to a combination of pre-recorded and live streaming worship services. This forced a transition for the church to continue to take care of one another and reach out to the community. Mike Atchley, longtime church sound/technology team leader, went to great lengths to facilitate the livestream. During the period of the pandemic UBC began a small food pantry ministry consisting of a “give and take” shelf outside of the east main entrance of the church. These continued until April 2021 when in-person services resumed. Sunday School was discontinued from March 2020 until June 2021.
For 100 years UBC has moved forward to love God and love others. From the earliest days to the present, UBC seeks to love each other and show the love of Christ to others.
A History of the WMU at UBC
Drexel Malone
& Bonnie Williamson
From the early days of the church, the women of University Baptist Church have been active in Woman"s Missionary Union.
A report given in a church business meeting on October 5, 1927, listed a WMS of two circles with 27 members and four auxiliaries: Intermediate and Junior GA's, RA's, and Sunbeams. That year, $59.00 was given for the WMU Memorial Dormitory at OBU, and a Lottie Moon Christmas Offering was taken.
For many years, the membership of the local WMS was divided into circles according to geographic locations around the church. This made it possible for the women to meet in their own neighborhoods. Each circle was named for a missionary or Baptist leader. Such names as Mrs. L. L Johnson, Dorene Hawkins, Mary Davidson, Jeannie Spears, Rosalie Mills Appleby, and Mrs. J. W. Jent and others appeared. The circles came together at church once a month for business meetings, lunch and Royal Service Programs. The weekly meetings were held in the homes.
The WMS took offerings and donated linens to support Baptist hospital work in Oklahoma. This was called the White Cross Program. WMS women witnessed locally through Personal Service work, later called Community Missions. Today it is called Mission Actions.
On January 25. 1938, the WMS prepared to celebrate the golden jubilee of the organizing of Woman's Missionary Union auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Convention. In April of the same year, plans were made to observe the occasion with a golden jubilee pageant.
Georgia Elwell was elected to serve as delegate to the southwide WMU convention in 1938.
When the L. L. Johnson's, missionaries to Brazil, were home on furlough in 1938, the WMS held a quilting bee and made a quilt for them.
World War II brought a new need. Mrs. H. E. Smith presented a plan to cooperate with the American Red Cross in establishing a unit to roll bandages for use with the wounded soldiers. The motion was adopted February 23,1943. Consequently during the war years, women of the church met once a week in a designated room to fulfill this commitment.
Helen Ige, an American born Japanese, gave a talk on October 26, 1943. about her work among Japanese-Americans who had been relocated in camps in California and Arkansas.
Carolyn Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith, became the first Queen Regent of Girls Auxiliary in the Pottawatomie-Lincoln Association in a service at University Baptist Church, according to the Associational Letter of 1951. The choir honored the occasion by singing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus.
Fifty years of WMU work in Oklahoma was observed in 1956. During a celebration meeting, members with the most years of service In WMU were recognized. They were:
Mrs. H. Tyson - 46 years
Mrs. L. L. Johnson - 45 years
Mrs. Clyde DeGraffenreid - 39 years
Mrs. Dan Edmisten - 39 years
Mrs.J. W. Dodderer- 39 years
Mrs. H. E. Smith- 35 years
In 1962, at the state Intermediate G.A. Houseparty at Norman (now called Acteen Conference), University Baptist Church girls were recognized for doing the best work in the state. Each of the four Queen Regents was presented a long stem red rose by the state director, Johnnie Barnhart.
The local observance was held May 28, 1963. "The walls of the University Baptist Church Annex were transformed . . . into a city of 75 years ago. Life-sized silhouettes of dapper gentlemen and gentle ladles lined the sidewalk in front of the full-sized store facades." So read the Shawnee News Star. Betty Meadows worked diligently to make the settings.
WMU-SBC marked the 75th anniversary of WMU with a meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, on May 6-7, 1964. Five delegates represented the local WMU at that meeting. They were Linnie Alldredge, Ida Bridges, Velma Melson, Drexel Malone, and Flora Ashlock.
At Atlantic City, the University Baptist Church WMS was recognized at the national convention as having obtained honor recognition for several years. In a letter to the local WMS June 12, 1967, Abbie Louise Green, Executive Secretary of Oklahoma WMU said. "Your church was one of the highest that was honored from Oklahoma..."
The WMS received Southwide recognition with a certificate and letter from Alma Hunt, Executive Secretary of WMU-SBC. Miss Hunt wrote: "Congratulations on having merited 75th Anniversary recognition. Of the 24,034 churches reporting WMU work, 2,584 received recognition."
The WMS began services once a week at the Shawnee Nursing Home. When the home was closed, a similar program with a birthday party for patients was begun in the late 60's and is still continued at the Shawnee Care Center Convalescent Home.
The Ralph Rummages, missionaries home on furlough in 1974, were given funds to cover the tuition for a needy student to attend Sanyati Baptist Secondary School.
Assistance has been extended in many ways to foreign students attending OBU, especially Nigerian students.
Mrs. H. E. Smith was leading WMU as president when the church celebrated its 60th Anniversary in 1981.
In 1985, the WMU was reorganized according to a new plan with a director over the umbrella group which included the auxiliaries and Baptist Women groups. Drexel Malone was elected director. Helen Valandingham was president of the morning group and Pattisue Smith was president of the evening group. A highlight of that year was a missions fair on a Sunday night with missionaries and students - members of the church participating.
The following year the church gave a record Lottie Moon Christmas offering of $13,801.00. A request was made to increase the cooperative program giving by 1%.
The church approved a 1/2% increase.
A dinner for the women of the church was held January 27, 1987. with Jaxie Short, missionary to Hong Kong as the speaker. Foreign dishes were served, and the women wore foreign dress to carry out the theme, "The Global Woman".
The WMU had representation at Atlanta, San Antonio, and St. Louis.
University Baptist Church celebrated the 100th anniversary of WMU, May 14, 1988, with an all-church luncheon. 115 people attended.
During the evening service, the women and Acteens presented a skit, "Celebrating in Style", featuring fashions worn during the 100 years period, and emphasizing WMU highlights from 1888. The skit was later presented at the Associational Centennial celebration. Also that evening, the Acteens gave a demonstration of their clown ministry.
A centennial prayer retreat was held August 6, 1988. The theme, "Sustained by Prayer", was carried out by special guests, Jeannie Butler Spears of Thailand and Glenda Travis of India.
A $150.00 offering was sent to the WMU Headquarters fund to honor Mrs. Leon Haddock, Bettie Ricketson, and in memory of Pearl Nanny, Essie Wint, Mary Lambdin and Mrs. L. L. Johnson.
The Women on Mission leads the church in observing: Annie Armstrong Home Mission Week of Pryaer In March, the Edna McMillan State Mission Week in September, and the Lottie Moon Foreign Mission Week of Prayer in December.
The church has some auxilliaries under the WMU umbrella. A recognition service was held May 19, 1991 for Holly Flora as Queen with scepter and Jenifer Henry as Queen.
Excerpt from UBC History 1981: Lorene Wagoner recalled...:
"Among the many parts which make up the complete story of the worthwhile activities of University Baptist Church was a group called Berta K. Spooner Circle, a part of the WMU of our church. Its membership was made up largely of wives of ministerial students in OBU. Most of these families lived in what was known as Vet's Villa or in Beacon Hill apartments. Some of the men were pastors of churches, but usually without missionary organizations. The WMU of University sponsored this circle to provide opportunity for training in WMU work for these young women. In turn, these young women provided valuable help with auxiliaries , helped in VBS and sometimes in Sunday School."
| 1928 - Mrs.J. V. Lambdin | 1935 - Mrs. H. E. Smith | 1936 - Mrs. John Roy Harris |
| 1937-41 - Mrs. S. C. Gartman | 1942 - Mrs. R.L. Carpenter | 1943-44 - Mrs. S. C. Gartman |
|1945-46 - Mrs. H. E. Smith | 1948-49 - Mrs. James Osterloh | 1950-51 - Mrs. D. V. Alldredge |
| 1952 - none listed | 1953-56 Mrs. William E. Malone | 1957-60 - Mrs. Clyde DeGraffenreid |
| 1961 - none listed | 1962-65 - Mrs. William E. Malone | 1966 - Mrs. J. D. Williamson, Sr. |
| 1967-68 - Mrs. D. V. Alldredge | 1972 - Mrs. Gene Moon |
| 1973 - Mrs. J. D. Williamson, Sr. ; Mrs. H. E. Smith | 1974-85 - Mrs. H. E. Smith |
| 1985-88 - Drexel Malone | 1988-90 - Bonnie Williamson | 1990-1995 - Juanita Gill |
| 1996 - Rhonda Dempsey | 1999-2002 - Kathy Wolf | 2006 - Kathy Wolf |
| 2007-08 - Drexel Malone | 2009 - Atha Mastin |
| 1951 - Carolyn Smith | 1952 - Mona Zoe Standridge | 1953 - Ericka Laessig, Carolyn Skelton |
| 1954 - Sue Fitzgerald, Connie Firestone |
| 1956 - Marguerite Pittman, Sheila Bryant, Sheila Forrester, Gail Davldson, Jane Taylor, LaDonna Hardesty, Suzanne Ownby, Margaret Hudson |
|1957 - Kathy Leese | 1958 - Bobbie Williamson | 1959 - Jeanette Wilson |
| 1960 - Carolyn Millikan | 1961 - Venus Phillips |
| 1962 - Nancy Putnam, Pat Adock, Mokta Lankford, Janet Wiillamson |
| 1970 - Nola Williamson, Donna Moon, Susan Harris |
| Other Years: Rellene Smith, Sarah Putnam, Debbie Sadler |
Other Honors:
| 1989 - Debbie Sadler - Top Associational Teen for work done Studiact
By Patty McWilliams and Mary Kay Parrish
The JUBILATION RINGERS was an 11-member ensemble which rang five octaves of Schulmerich handbells and two octaves of Suzuki hand chimes. Throughout its existence the group rehearsed one hour per week. In the summer of 1976 Dean and Nancy Fetzer "anonymously" donated money to the church to purchase a 2-octave set of handbells. C.L. Bass, who was minister of music at that time, asked Mary Kay Parrish to start a handbell choir, since Mary Kay had been teaching handbell classes at OBU. When the bells arrived, seven women and two young men came to the first rehearsal on November 7, 1976 and formed the very first UBC handbell choir. Practices were held in a regular Sunday School department on the second floor of the auditorium building and all the tables, bells and equipment had to be moved every week. After that first year, only ladies were in the group and the choir became known as "The Ladies Handbell Choir." Members of the choir refered to the choir as L.H. Bell because that's how the Bison Credit Union abbreviated the name of the choir's savings account when it was first opened.
During the second year the choir practiced in a classroom in the "new" educational wing over the nursery. This also presented many difficulties with equipment storage, lots of steps to move equipment up and down whenever the choir participated in worship, and the necessity of setting up for each rehearsal. Also, during that second year Mary Kay started borrowing the 3rd octave of handbells from OBU so the church choir could play more "advanced" music. Every Sunday afternoon the bells would be hauled to the church and then back to OBU. Not long after Dr. Fetzer heard about the ladies borrowing the bells, he donated the needed funds for the church to have its own 3rd octave bells. About the same time, the former church offices behind the sanctuary were cleaned out and set aside as "the handbell rehearsal room" so that the bells and equipment were more accessible for use.
Playing periodically in church was about all the choir did until the spring of 1982 when it was announced that there would be a Southern Baptist Convention-wide invitation-only handbell festival in Pittsburgh, Pa., prior to the Southern Baptist Church Music Conference. There were to be 100 choirs chosen and the initial selection process would begin with the state Baptist handbell festivals. The UBC choir was chosen at the Oklahoma state festival to represent Oklahoma and Kansas at the national Handbell Festival. This honor meant learning 6 pieces of especially commissioned pieces, most of which required 4 octaves of bells, so once more Dr. Fetzer came through in helping provide another octave of bells. Since the church did not own a van at the time and transportation for 12 ladies to Pennsylvania was a problem, OBU graciously loaned the church a van to transport the group to the festival and Johnny Cullison went along to drive. As a result of that trip the ladies saw the need for a van for the church and began many fund-raising endeavors (such as collecting aluminum cans and making handbell mallets which they sold to choirs in 27 states) to save money for a van. Johnny Cullison became the "official driver" for all out-of-town trips. Jubilation, a piece for handbells Mary Kay Parrish had composed, was published after a publisher heard the group play the piece in their concert in Pittsburgh. Later, in 1985, when the group was preparing for a concert tour in Hawaii, the lady planning concerts in Hawaii thought the choir needed a name more fitting than "the Ladies Handbell Choir" for her publicity so a contest of sorts was held, and the winning entry was submitted by John Parrish. The group officially became known as "The JUBILATION RINGERS," named in honor of Mary Kay's composition.
In March 1985 the fund-raising efforts had raised enough money to buy a van for the church, and by October 1985, they also purchased a 5-foot-by-8-foot cargo trailer and then started saving to buy the 5th octave of bells. The 5th octave was purchased after Tom Flora donated the remaining amount needed for the purchase as a memorial to his wife Esther who died in April 1986. The 5th octave was dedicated on October 16, 1986 in a concert at UBC. The fund-raising efforts allowed the Ringers to purchase a 3-octave set of Malmart chimes. The original 2-octave set of Suzuki chimes became usable by the childrens’ singing choirs and younger ringing groups. The Ringers also had raised enough money to buy robes especially designed for handbell ringers and new choir robes for the Sanctuary Choir.
Other trips made by the group were:
1985: Marilee Breedlove, Patty McWilliams, Norma (Robertson) Partridge, Barbara Ellen Davis, Cindy Roberts and Mary Kay along with Chad and Trudi Fetzer, Pattie Arnold, and several former OBU ringers formed the handbell choir to accompany the Baptist Festival Singers and Orchestra led by Bob Burroughs on a tour to Europe including Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France and England. Other regular members were unable to make the trip because of work schedules, family commitments and the high cost.
1986: The group was the featured handbell choir at the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers Area IX Festival in Corpus Christi, Texas. Their solo concert was the last concert in the 1985-86 season of the Corpus Christi Cathedral Concert Series, and they were featured on the evening TV news program in Corpus Christi.
1987: The ringers flew to Honolulu, Hawaii, and presented concerts in three Baptist churches, two shopping malls and at the Mayor's office, the latter being covered by the local TV news media.
1988: The group was the featured handbell choir at Church Music Week at Ridgecrest Baptist Conference Center in North Carolina. It also served as a demonstration choir for conference handbell classes and on the way home presented a concert at First Baptist Arkadelphia, Arkansas, at the invitation of Lynn Worthen, former UBC pastor.
1990: The handbell choir was once again the featured choir at the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers Area IX Festival, this time in San Antonio, Texas, and served as a demonstration choir for classes on musicality.
1991: The Jubilation Ringers were one of 20 handbell choirs chosen from 80 audition tapes to participate in the PraiSing Celebration in Nashville, Tennessee, to introduce the new edition of the Baptist Hymnal. They played on stage at the Grand Ole Opry during the opening concert and participated in the PraisRing portion of the celebration.
1994: The choir was invited by the Milne family, former UBC members, to play in several churches in Alberta, Canada. Churches visited were in Edmonton, Banff, Cochrane, and Calgary.
October 6, 1996
1996: In July, the group toured the Midwest, playing concerts at First Baptist Church, Grandview, Missouri; Ankeny United Methodist Church, Ankeny, Iowa; Grace Fellowship Church, Decorah, Iowa, the church of former UBC members David and Mary Sallee (Mary was a member of the UBC handbell choir for 12 years before moving to Decorah); Emmanuel Baptist Church, Cassville, Missouri, pastored by former UBC member Bryan Shaw; and First Baptist Church, Tahlequah, Oklahoma.
1997: The Ringers played for the Oklahoma Choral Directors Association meeting at OBU in July and for adjudication at Festibell at the Myriad Convention Center, receiving a superior rating.
1998: In February, the group recorded a demonstration tape for Jeffers Handbell Supply. Copies of the demonstration tape were mailed to handbell choirs throughout the U.S.
1999: In July, the Ringers performed concerts in churches in New Hampshire and Massachusetts and toured Boston, Maine, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, and attended the 4th of July celebration in Boston.
2001: In May, the group recorded a lullaby CD for a ministry project. The CDs were given to all babies born in 2002 at Unity North (formerly Shawnee Regional Hospital, now SSM). Many of the selections on the CD held special meaning for the choir and the recording was dedicated to the memory of four babies of UBC members. The fall of 2001 marked the 25th anniversary of the choir, with Mary Kay Parrish as the sole director.
2002: The Jubilation Ringers performed a joint concert in February with OBU’s University Ringers at the 50th Annual Church Music Workshop at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Mary Kay had been commissioned by the family of Mrs. Gulah Daron to write a piece in honor of her 90th birthday and her long-time service at First Baptist Church, Oklahoma City. In March, the Jubilation Ringers rang the piece, Joy and Grace, during the morning worship service at First Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, with Mrs. Daron and her daughter present.
The handbell choir commissioned well-known composer Anna Laura Page to arrange a favorite hymn for handbells to acknowledge Mary Kay's dedication and years of service to the choir. The Ringers learned the piece secretly and surprised Mary Kay by playing the piece for her on Mother's Day, 2002.
On June 23, 2002, the Ringers performed its final home concert. During the summer, the group toured Washington, Oregon, and Victoria, British Columbia, performing in several churches in the Seattle area. Following the tour, the original Jubilation Ringers disbanded. Laura Whitmore became the director and some of the members continued with the new bell group, including Barbara Ellen Davis, Marguerite Guinn, Susan Terry, and Sylvia Winterowd, and a whole new group of Jubilation Ringers: Leslie Armstrong, Shelley Levisay, April Lykins, Audrey Roach, Pattisue Thoman, Rebecca Timmons, and Keith Whitmore.
Ballweg, Susan, 1977-1979
*Bass, Charlene, 1976-1977
Breedlove, Marilee, 1977-2002
Burgess, Teresa, 1981
Canty, Paulann, 1981-1993
Christy, Sherry Upshaw, 1977-1978
*Cullison, Janell, 1976-2002
Cullison, Lisa Pearson, 1984-1987
Paula Currier, 1990-2002
Davis, Barbara Ellen, 1977-2002
*Fluke, Juanita, 1976-1977
*Frizzell, Dennis, 1976-77
*Frizzell, Iwana, 1976-77
*Frizzell, Jim, 1976-77
*Gett, Jan, 1976-1977
Gibson, Pat, 1979-1980
Jennings, Kay, 1987-1988
Rhetta Mayfield, 1977-1978, 1978-1979
McAfee, Cheryl, 1978-1979
McDowell, Marguerite Guinn, 1981-2002
*McWilliams, Patty, 1976-2002
Meek, Marsha, 1977-1979
Millican, Jenna, 1979-1981
Mogan, Dawn, 1978-79
O’Neal, Lenita, 1981-1983
*Parrish, Mary Kay, 1976-2002
Partridge, Norma Robertson, 1977-2002
Pearson, Lauri, 1982-1984
*Powell, Cindy, 1976-1981
Roberts, Cindy, 1980-1985
Sallee, Mary, 1981-1993
Scarberry, Robin Freeman, 1985-2002
Swicegood, Cindy Clyburn, 1989-1990
Terry, Susan, 1984-1987
Thompson, Sherri Stoddard, 1987-2002
Watson, Marissa, 1982-1985
Whitmore, Laura, 1993-2002
Winter, Laurelyn, 1977-1978
Winterowd, Sylvia, 1985-2002
Winters, Mary, 1980-1981
Worthen, Mary, 1979-1980
*Charter Members
Bowles, Karen McWilliams
Campbell, Kendra
Cappo, Lesli
Grant, Susan
Kimberling, Leigh Breedlove
McWilliams, Amy
Swicegood, Cindy Clyburn