Sunday February 23rd, 2025
Choral Anthem
I Will Sing Praise
8 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Prayer of Confession
O Lord, you have taught us that without love whatever we do is worth nothing: Send your
Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts your greatest gift, which is love, the true bond of peace
and of all virtue, without which whoever lives is accounted dead before you. Forgive us for
our sings, O Lord. Grant this for the sake of your only Son Jesus Christ, who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Scripture Reading
Psalm 37: 1—11
417 Trusting Jesus
Prayers of the People
Perfect Light of revelation, as you shone in the life of Jesus, whose epiphany we celebrate, so
shine in us and through us, that we may become beacons of truth and compassion,
enlightening all creation with deeds of justice and mercy. Amen.
143 What Wondrous Love is This
1 Corinthians 15: 42—50
Hymn of Response
173 Christ is Alive (stanzas 4 & 5 only)
Passing of the Peace