UBC Life
9 March 2025
Worship @ 8:30am | Sunday School @ 9:45am | Worship @ 11:00am
Upcoming Events
Mar 9: Daylight Savings Begins
Mar 15-21: Asheville Mission Trip
Apr 3: Lenten Lunch @ UBC
Apr 9: Quarterly Business Meeting
April 16-18: Passion Week Services
April 20: Easter
May 31-June 3: CrossTimbers
June 9-12: VBS from 5:30-8:30pm
Jun 16-20: Generate
Aug 2: Christmas in August Event
Mar 11: Digby Bell Concert @ 7:00pm
Mar 27: General Recital @ 12:30pm
Liz Houser Recital @ 7:00pm
April 10: General Recital @ 12:30pm
Dr. Sims Recital @ 7:00pm
April 13: Grace Palmer Recital @ 7:00pm
April 21: Golden Bison/University Ringers Concert @ 7:00pm
April 25: Flute Choir Concert @ 7:00pm
Birthdays This Week
Jordyn Cullison
Justin Lewellen
What’s Happening Now
2025 Deacon Nominations
It's time to nominate deacons for 2025. Please prayerfully review the list of eligible members (available in the foyer), select up to five members for nomination, and submit your ballot in the gray ballot box located in the foyer.
HAM of the Month Club
For March, we will be partnering with Uplift Mentoring and collecting school supplies.
Lenten Lunch
Lenten Lunch will be at Emmanuel Episcopal Church this Thursday at noon.
Support for the Whitmores
Ben Whitmore had heart surgery on March 4th. He will be at home recovering for 6 weeks. Ben and his wife, Callie, would love visits and emotional support from his home church family. A signup sheet for weekly visits is posted outside the office and a link to their Meal Train is available on our Facebook group
Asheville Mission Trip
Please be in prayer for our mission team as they prepare for their trip to Asheville.
CrossTimbers, our children’s camp for kids who have completed the 3rd-6th grade, will be May 31-June 3 this year. The deadline for signup is March 26. Payment is to be turned in to Kara Fuller by May 14 and will be $85 per child. Please see Kara with any questions.
Youth Generate
Generate, our youth camp, will be June 16-20 this year. Payment is due by May 4 and will be $180 per person. Payments can be made in installments or in full. Please see Linsey Brown with any questions and/or if you have multiple students going to get the adjusted rate.
In Worship Today
Next Week
Next week’s text will be from Luke 13: 31-35. Allison Kentle will be preaching.
Pastor: Justin Dunn
Minister of Worship & Music/Organist: Jim Vernon
Preschool Director: Channing Seikel
Children’s Director: Kara Fuller
Youth Director: Linsey Brown
Pianist: Lisa Schutten
Worship Leaders: Carrie Myles & Canaan Crane
Admin Assistant: Madison Jones