December 24: Titus 2:11-14

Christmas Eve. To be in a constant state of pending animation, as if the entire day is on hold for something greater. People gather, delicate dishes are prepared, and joyful music streams from homes across town, but the suspense holds in a promise that the next day will dawn with abundant satisfaction and charm.

Is that not a similar metaphor for the promises of Titus in this passage? We gather, we prepare, and we wait – promised salvation from the grace of God. A recurring Christmas Eve.

The holidays pull us into a paradox. The teachings of Titus are clear and concise: use sound judgment, live a Godly life, and deny those things that pull us away from salvation.  Typically, during December we strive to create experiences for our children or pull together holiday spectaculars for family and friends in the form of light displays and delicious food. But, in all the preparation, have we prepared ourselves? Perhaps it is today’s challenge to take a few minutes to meditate on self-preparation and how we can be open to the opportunities the holiday season can bring.

We are to be humbled by the grace of God and in that grace, we are to see the necessity of striving for a righteous and upright life. Pulling from the ideal of an upright life, Titus then extols being “zealous for good works.” A charge to ‘be the good,’ in the world. Moving forward into Christmas morning and beyond, may we look for ways we can provide positive energy, add value, and impact lives for the glory of God. In all ways, endeavor to create space for good.

As I write this, Stevie Wonder is singing and maybe that is my hope this Christmas Eve: that one day I will rest in the knowledge that I found the ‘good’, made space for hope and love, lived a Godly life and can say, “signed, sealed, delivered, I’m Yours.”