December 23:  Luke 1:46-55

Every Christmas season I make a deal with myself that basically boils down to some catch phrase like, “Fewer presents and more presence.” I will slow down. I will refrain from excessive gift giving. I will focus my attention and that of my family on what really matters—the  celebration of Christ’s arrival. And yet, without fail, I fall into the same old pattern:  Hustle. Bustle. Decorate. Plan. Buy. Wrap. Coordinate. Move the elf. Repeat.

When Jesus came, He did not just take on the form of a servant in the likeness of men (Phil. 2:7). He took it even further and grew in the womb of a young, poor, unmarried girl. There He goes again, before He was even here. Seeing, valuing, choosing, and even blessing those the world might dismiss. The young. The poor. The unmarried. The marginalized. And instead of distress or panic, Mary’s first inclination was to magnify the Lord and rejoice.

In the early 90s my youth group choir performed the musical Celebrate Life! both at church and on our summer mission trip. Now, I’m no singer but I was convinced I was going to sing the solo in the Song of Mary because of how much her words resonated with me. They still do:

“Sing, o sing, my soul
The greatness of the Lord
Rejoice, my spirit
Rejoice in God my Savior
So tenderly has He regarded me
So wondrously has He exalted me
All generations shall call me blessed
For His name, His name is Holy
He is the mighty one
His mercy is ever sure” * 

Spoiler alert: I did not sing the Song of Mary in either performance and quite honestly, we were all the better for it. The Magnificat, found in these verses and in the song lyrics above, draws me back to the reality of the season of advent. Reminded of Mary and her response to the first advent, I know I can do better this Christmas season. Slow. Reflect. Wonder. Magnify. Rejoice. Prepare. Declare. God is with us!

Courtney Lewellen:  *Celebrate Life! (1972, Lifeway Worship. Music by Buryl Red, book and lyrics by Ragan Courtney)