Youth Devotional Week 49

Hey Everyone this is Pastor Justin. This week will look a little different but hopefully give you something to think about and learn from. So, below is a video from Linsey. I had asked her to be a part of our Lay Led service this week as part of an ongoing theme of gratefulness. Yesterday Linsey fell and hurt her elbow, leaving her unable to comfortably, if at all, write the devotion for this week. It is awesome that we already have this video that can serve as the devotional. I asked Linsey, “what are you grateful for and how did you get there?” And she answered while RIDING not driving in a car.

Here it is and here’s a scripture to thank about as you watch it, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
His love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1-3

Please pray for Linsey as she heals from her fall, and continues to do all the things she does with an injured elbow.

Dear God, in crazy, upside down times help us to be grateful. Grateful for what you do and in a manner of speaking for what you DON”T do. Thanks be to God.