The Lenten Journey- Day 2 2021

Today’s reading for reflection is simply entitled “Repent” and is written by William Willimon of Duke Divinity school. He focuses on the requirement of dying to self for discipleship. He brings into focus the baptism of Jesus and the powerful imagery of Christ going down into the depths. Willimon points out that Jesus used baptism to illustrate his impending death on the cross and to call his disciples to holy self-denial as well.

In reading, I was introduced to a new Greek term, metanoia. It simply means “to change one’s mind” but is tied to spiritual conversion and the idea of a changed heart. From Willimon, “ Jesus’ ‘baptism’, begun in the Jordan and completed on Golgotha, is repentance, self-denial, metanoia to the fullest.” Jesus, himself, did not need a changing of the mind/heart because he was not gripped by sin. Yet, He who became sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21) walked the path of repentance to show us how but also to enable our repentance. Death is scary, lonely, and dark but Christ went down into death. He felt it, he submitted to it and came out victorious. As we die to ourselves, our sin, our worldly values and perspectives, we come to life in Christ.

On our journey today may we see the going under in baptism as a challenge and an encouragement. May we be challenged to let our selfishness die. May we be encouraged that Christ not only enabled this change in us but demonstrated it Himself. We are on a journey down a trail that has been blazed by the “author and perfecter of our faith” may we endure with joy (Hebrews 12:2)

The Lenten Journey- Ash Wednesday 2021

“Ash Wednesday is the beginning of a 40-day "season of spiritual refreshing" called Lent. The word Lent translates from a Middle English word that means "spring." In a real sense, Lent can be a 40-day springtime for the soul. A time of planting, nurture and God's care.” -

REV.DARRELL STUEHRENBERG in the Florida Sun-Sentinel, 2001.

I do not observe Ash Wednesday and Lent out of a sense of requirement or rigid, compulsory duty. In some ways I do not necessarily observe it at all. But I do see it as an opportunity to seek Christ, come out of myself and spring into deeper relationship with Christ crucified. Today we begin this journey towards “springtime.” We do so through the lenses of readings in “Bread and Wine” grounded in the revealed reality of Christ in scripture.

Today's reading is “My Messy House” by Kathleen Norris. Norris talks about teaching the Psalms to children and their honesty in constructing personal Psalms. One child wrote about “The Monster Who was Sorry,” the repentant monster sits in his messy room destroyed out of his own anger and laments, “I shouldn’t have done all that.” Our preparation towards the joy of spring begins with continued recognition of our own messiness. We must not fall into a self loathing despair, but sincerely apologize to God and perhaps others then go forward. Today, Ash Wednesday, we sit and say we’re sorry. All the while clinging to the love of a merciful God who invites are honesty, accepts our brokenness, and happily forgives.

Another Journey

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. I will focus on the Biblical texts and idea of beginning lent during tomorrow’s Prayer and Bible Study that will post on YouTube.

I will also begin tomorrow, daily blogging from the readings in “Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter.” You can find those here and please feel free to comment, email, or text any responses.

I hope this will be a fruitful exercise for us individually and as community to journey through lent.



Lay Led Service for 9-20-20

Thank you for your flexibility as our Lay Led Service is a little different format this week. Our message is from a chapel devotional by Scot Loyd professor of Mass Communications at OBU. This is a timely message on sharing the gospel of Christ.

Scot Loyd, assistant professor of communication studies and director of forensics and debate, shared OBU's weekly online chapel devotion Wednesday, April 29....

Update on Worship Services


This is a quick video explaining our worship service times beginning this Sunday, September 13th. 8:30 will be broadcast on Youtube and in the parking lot over the radio. 11:00 will be live streamed on the internet and in the parking lot, and available for in person worship with protocols in place. Please pass this link on to anyone who might be interested. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

In Christ's Love,
