The Lenten Journey Day 13

The writer of today’s essay, Phillip Berrigan, was a former Catholic Priest and an outspoken anti-war activist. His writing certainly evokes thoughtful consideration. In this article he is reflecting on Mark’s account in which Jesus warns of being prepared on the Day of The Lord. He tells His followers to, “watch.” Berrigan then speaks of several Scriptural passages that call readers to watch and pay attention. He points to the narrative of Jesus and three of his disciples at Gethsemane where he pleads for them to stay awake while He prays. They fall asleep three times.

“Psychological studies reveal that Americans live in 40% awareness.” Berrigan does not provide reference for this study but it is not necessarily hard to believe. We get caught in our routines and in our tunnel vision view of the world.

“Watch the words of others, since God often speaks to us through sisters and brothers.” How often do we really pay attention to what others are telling us? Moreover, how often do we the Holy Spirit’s counsel through the words of others. Not everything everyone says is a word from God, but if we are not ‘watchful’ we miss insightful truths being communicated.

“Watch, learn, act- the formula for a full, sane life.” It is not one of the Scriptures Berrigan uses but this line makes me think of a well-known Proverb, “Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!” -Proverbs 6:6. Solomon’s pithy advice has specific applications but we should not miss the general imperatives. Go and consider are important actions on our journey. Let us be alert to what God may in fact be telling us. Then may we follow through.