The Lenten Journey Day 11

The reading for today is written by Soren Kierkeggard and is a sharp distinction between followers of Christ and admirers. The following sums up Kierkeggard’s distinction, “ A follower is or strives to be what he admires. An admirer, however, keeps himself personally detached.”

The context of the essay seems at first to be a call of encouragement to those living under the prohibition of publicly confessing Christ. Kierkegarrd then pivots to those living in free countries and identifies the same temptation of merely appreciating Christ’s teaching and example without adhering to them. “Forget about the danger with confessing Christ and think rather of the real danger which is inescapably bound up within being a Christian.”

The one issue I would take with this writing is that Nicodemus is paired with Judas in giving Biblical examples of admirers. I would argue that the account of Nicodemus showing up at Christ’s burial is at least enough to at least consider that he may have became a follower. Nonetheless, this detail should not distract from the challenge.

What a question! Do I admire Christ only or do I follow Him? There is really no cost to admiration, no need for self denial. Following is what incurs the ups and downs of sacrifice amid keeping Christ as the goal and motivation.