The innocent, silently uncomplaining suffering of Christ is not only an act of Christ on our behalf from which we benefit; it is also an example of Christ for our instruction, which we are to follow. This portrait of Christ is to be painted again on the ordinary canvas of our lives.

- John Howard Yoder in The Way of Peace

In the above quote we read the challenge before us today to consider Christ’s efforts for peace and how we carry those on in our lives. In the new life we live as a result of Christ’s death and Resurrection there is a new way to resolve conflict. The conflict within us between sin and righteousness is resolved by the Holy Spirit graciously bringing us Christ’s merciful forgiveness. The conflicts in our world and in our relationships are resolved as we follow in the steps of Christ leading with love toward those who have wronged us. Just as Christ’s forgiveness does not give us license to continue in our sin, neither does love for our enemies make their actions right. It is a call not to deify others, but to walk in light of the example and deity of Christ.

In 2 Corinthians 10:1-5 Paul says plainly that we do not fight as the world does but our spiritual battle calls us to respond as Christ would. As you consider the way of Peace and the path of Christ take heed of 2 Corinthians 10:1-5 and take every thought captive bringing to the light of Christ’s example.