New Life Reading

In today’s reading Henri Nouwen displays Jesus’ embodiment of the Lord’s Supper through a person experience. Nouwen tells of attending a Holy Thursday service at a L’arche Community in Paris. The community director led the meeting, laid out his vision for the group to be a serving community, expressed his love for Jesus, and dispersed the elements of the Eucharist. Following a meal the leader once again got up and washed the the feet of each person. Nouwen interprets the record of Jesus washing his disciple’s feet along with the elements in John 13 to show how Jesus gave all in love and service to others. Jesus gives Himself totally to people, all of them. Says Nouwen, “The word became flesh so as to wash my tired feet. He touches me precisely where I touch the soil, where earth connects with my body that reaches out to heaven. He kneels and takes my feet in his hands and washes them.” Nouwen is not necessarily calling for an ordinance but calling for the church to emulate Jesus by giving all of ourselves to one another. This is what Nouwen saw at L’Arche in Paris, “everybody was willing to make a step in the directions to which Jesus pointed.” That’s what I want for me, that’s what I want for you, that’s what I want for us. Make a step in the direction Jesus pointed. Service, that’s the point.

Romans 10:1-4 declares Paul’s desire for salvation to come to his brethren, the Jewish people who are without Christ. As we walk in the steps of Christ we shared Christ with a wondering world.