New Life Reading

In today’s reading Jurgen Moltmann calls for life as a protest of death. Moltmann says that in the resurrection Christ provides “the great alternative” to death. As the resurrection is against death it becomes alive in the freedom of life. The power of the resurrection is unleashed through the Spirit and continues its work until “every rule and every authority and every power” is at last abolished (1 Cor. 15:24 as quoted by Moltmann). The call of the Christian, for Moltmann, is then to have “the courage for revolt, the protest against deadly powers, and the self-giving of men and women for the victory of life.” This courage is a result of the hope of the resurrection that overcomes death in all its manifestations in this world. Moltmann’s excerpt closes with the call for freedom that further comes from death’s defeat, “For with Easter begins the laughter of the redeemed, the dance of the liberated and the creative play of fantasy.”

Moltmann’s robust theology has all kinds of implications. But at its heart, the recognition of resurrection as death’s alternative having real, right-now implications is strengthening and encouraging. This life was played out by the earliest Christians in Acts 2:42-47 who find life in Christ and life with one another as they met and worshiped Him together. It is nothing short of miraculous that we can be separated by circumstance but still held together by the Spirit that overcomes death and breathes life in and among us. Let us live and continue to live in community through creativity and the conviction that we are held together by the ongoing power of the resurrection. Know that you are not defeated by death, desperation or anything but your alive in the Spirit. Let us live.