Lenten Reading

I took the last two days off to kind of catch up with the Lenten readings. But I really enjoy reflecting on these readings so I’m back today. The reading from Bread and Wine is the “Great Mediator” by Augustine of Hippo. Often lost in our consideration of the incarnation is the purpose of Christ to be the go-between for humanity to God. He is not the perfect mediator because he understands humanity and Divinity but because he became one and has always been the other. Augustine says it beautifully, “What we needed was a mediator to stand between God and men who should be in one respect like God, in another kin to human beings, for if he were manlike in both regards he would be far from God, but if Godlike in both, far from us: then he would be no mediator.” God in Christ is not far from us, but he is also not us. He is God who became human, so that in part we humans may connect with God. Christ is close, lean in.

Grace and Peace