December 20:  Galatians 4:1-7

In these verses Paul is outlining two different forms of relationship with God:  the law system and the faith system.  In verses 1-3 he is describing the law-based system with its rules and guidelines.  This is an arrangement in which we are to follow the law, thus staying in right relationship with God.  The problem is we are incapable of adhering to the law.  Paul notes this back in chapter 3:10 when he references Deuteronomy 27:26 by saying “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the law.”

We relate to God by faith.  In Galatians 3:6 Paul notes that Abraham was counted righteous because of his faith.  In verse 11 Paul recalls Habakkuk 2:4 by stating, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.

This second system—the faith system—is faith in Jesus’ life and death.  Through His death, He corrected the relationship between God and ourselves and granted us freedom from the law.  Since we are free from the law, verses 5 and 6 state that we are children of God and because of that He has sent the Holy Spirit into our hearts.  In chapter 3:2,5, Paul says that it is our faith in Jesus, not following the law, which has allowed us to receive the Holy Spirit.  Now we are free from the law; our faith in Jesus has restored our relationship with God, and our faith has allowed us to receive the Holy Spirit.  No longer are we dependent on our own strength and wisdom.  We have the Holy Spirit to be transformative in our lives.  No longer do we have a broken relationship with God.  Through Jesus we now have a personal relationship with God.  These are the two greatest gifts we will ever receive.

Jason Knight