How do we become prepared for life? As children our parents taught us many things. They began by teaching us that we were loved as they took care of our physical and emotional needs. As we grew they taught us how to be safe as we explored our world. Other lessons that began early on were about right and wrong and how to show kindness and love to others. For many of us an important aspect of all of this preparation included instruction about God: God’s love, God’s might, God’s forgiveness, God’s holiness.
When we embraced the teachings of our parents, they probably felt a sense of pride. But when we rejected their instruction those feelings might have turned into shame or embarrassment.
Our prayer today is that we would be the descendants who do not bring shame. We want to gain understanding and accept instruction. As we prepare for His coming, we acknowledge God’s holiness and we stand in awe of the God of Israel.
Laura Whitmore