What do a remodel, a graduation, a wedding, and a holiday dinner have in common? They are all completed processes! Family and friends who celebrate such events see the finished product, but are often unaware of the time, effort, and sacrifices invested in the process.
In today’s passage, the Apostle Paul reminds his audience of God’s presence and process throughout Israel’s history. God chose Israel. Later, He led them out of Egypt, and guided them through the wilderness. He then provided them with judges and kings. Finally, John the Baptist appeared preaching repentance in preparation for the coming of Jesus.
During their lifetime, Paul and the first Christians experienced what life was like before the coming of Christ, and what life was like after the coming of Christ. This comparison helped them to recognize the significance of the process and the significance of the outcome of the process—Jesus Christ.
As we enter this busy holiday season, let us remember to be grateful for the privilege of experiencing the fullness of Christ. Let us also not forget to acknowledge the time, efforts, and sacrifices made so we can enjoy the final outcome. It is good to be reminded God is always with us, and He works to prepare our individual hearts to be of service for Him.
Kaylene Barbe