December 1: Isaiah 2:1-5

Reading this passage is wonderful.   It is a positive description of victory, overcoming, being lifted, and God setting everything right.    Included is the famous line about beating “their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks.”    There is an invitation to come to the House of God.   This is a prophesy filled with promise.   However, entering this Christmas Season, some people may have a problem with wonderful promises.    Life has been hard, and sadness has overtaken joy.  

            Instead of finding comfort in the prophesy, we may find ourselves doubting.    Even though our Bible is filled with prophesies that have been fulfilled, we may secretly wonder if God will keep his promises.   Recent history doesn’t paint a good picture for the concept of prophesy, or prophets, in our modern culture.  We may find ourselves with less hope than these scriptures clearly shout.

            It is here that we need to be real.    What is the reason . . . the best proof . . . that I know God’s promises will come true?    Is it historical facts, eye witness accounts, statistics, or past experience?    For me, it is none of these.   For me, it is the very real sense of God quietly reaching out to ME for personal fellowship when I know how unworthy I really am of His love.    No matter what I do, or how things are going, I sense His presence.    I perceive a still, small voice.    This communication is a faithful, consistent, complete, and unwavering happening that gives me complete assurance in His promises.   If the Creator God can focus His majestic power to simply guide and interact with insignificant ME all day long, then I can trust His promises that are for all of us.    It seems to me that it is a bigger miracle for God to love me than for Him to raise a mountain.   

            The passage closes with “let us walk in the light of the Lord.”  This season, sense His presence and the light that fellowship with Him can bring.    Rest on His promises, trust and respond to His love.

Ford Mastin