
The UBC Advent book has become part of how our community celebrates and participates in the Advent season. We ask different people who are connected with UBC in some way to contribute to the book centered around a particular theme. This year our theme is “The Story of Advent” and we simply asked contributors to tell a story that is related to the advent season. On the following pages you will find fond remembrances, Biblical reflections, and even a short story. All of these work together to point to the coming of Christ and the anticipation that came and still comes with it. On the Sundays of advent you will find illustrations that draw us into thinking about the meaning, purpose, and substance of Advent. Thank you to all our contributors, editors, and advisers. A special thanks to Lynda Pence who has been integral in keeping this tradition going throughout the years.

It is my hope that you are prompted to slowly take in these stories. That you treasure each day with patience and expectation. For this is the goal of advent, Christ has come and is coming. Christ is portrayed through our community remembrances, through our stories. This is Advent, take it in.

Blessings for Advent,

Dr. Justin D. Dunn
University Baptist Church
Shawnee, OK