Editor’s Note
The scriptures this year are shorter and very different from the usual Advent readings. The theme, as Justin has chosen, is Finding Christ at Advent. Most of the verses have not been printed for you, as more space is provided for writing. Look them up as a family and read them together before reading the thought for the day. Again this year, we have art work on the days where we don’t have writing.
We are fortunate in this church to have so many talented people who help to put this project together. I hope I am not omitting any names of those we depend on all the time. Corey Fuller always does the cover and each year it is so appropriate. Our pastor Justin helped to recruit writers and artwork as well as writing the introduction. Michael Atchley not only puts each writing on our website, but he also wrote one of the articles. Marguerite McDowell always sees that the Advent book is published in print form. She is also one of the writers this year. Without all the willing writers, we could not do this. Try to tell each writer thank you if you see them, or you might write a note of thanks. A special thanks to Meredith Bailey, Karlee Fuller, Calvin Dunn and Mary Kay Parrish for their art work.
Have a blessed Advent season!
Lynda Pence