Editor’s Note:
Some people have indicated to me that this year’s theme is somewhat harder to relate than in past years. It is easy to use the same verses year after year, but then the writing can become stale. These verses are designed to point to those people who either were preparing the way for the coming of Jesus, being prepared themselves, or were making a declaration of his mission as the Messiah. We are emphasizing the role of the prophets, shepherds, angels, and the city of Bethlehem; as always with the Advent candle, we stress Hope, Faith, Joy, and Peace. Also, we have added a poem on the Scriptures for Sundays and an illustration on Saturdays. These help to show the various talents of members of our church.
It takes many people to put together a project like this one. Our pastor, Justin Dunn, was kind enough to choose the scriptures and theme. He also helped find part of the writers so that I didn’t have to get all of them. That was a huge help. As always, Corey Fuller did the cover and wrote a devotional as well. Marguerite McDowell copied and put together the booklets. Mike Atchley puts all the writings on the website for each day. We’ve have no Advent book if it were not for those who consented to write for it. Each one is vital to complete this project, and a thanks is hardly enough.
I pray that you will be blessed as you read the scriptures from your Bibles and then the devotionals each day. You might also find time to tell each writer how much this means to you. Have a blessed Advent season.
Lynda Pence