The Story of Advent
December 15th, 2022
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:18
What exactly was Mary pondering? That the baby she just gave birth to was really the Messiah who was to come and generations anticipated his arrival? Was it a shock that Angels spoke to the Shepherds who came to worship this baby—her baby? That God chose her and her betrothed Joseph to raise this child?
Was she generally a contemplative person or was she anxious about whether she was up to the task of raising the Son of God? That was quite a responsibility placed onto the young woman, not even an adult herself, to take care of the baby Jesus and help him on his path to become the Savior of the world.
This verse leaves many questions and many different scenarios, but what I think this means is that Mary thought carefully about what she had learned from the Angel’s message, Scriptures, and what the Shepherds shared with them. She took that knowledge and prayed for further guidance. In today’s world, it is so easy to live with anxiety and worry and overthink without any benefit. When we ponder decisions we must not forget to recall what we have learned from the Bible and use that inspired Word of God to help us while we contemplate our life situation and seek those answers of how to cope in this chaotic world that is so in need of Jesus today.
Perhaps, the lesson is we should all be more like Mary and ponder more and speak less. We are so quick to voice an opinion or a thought that causes more strife and discord, instead, let us ponder and pray and remain silent until we feel God has given us a reason to speak or to act.
- Shelley L. Levisay