Psalm 144:2a: ‘He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer.’
One of the great joys of the freshman English curriculum is teaching “The Odyssey.” I truly enjoy every aspect of it, from the introduction work of building information about culture and history, to the students’ reactions at the victory in the end of the story. One part that always sticks out to me is the battle of Troy (although taking place in “The Iliad,” the actions of this battle act as a sort of prequel to “The Odyssey.”). Odysseus, our epic hero, finds himself in a ten-year stalemate during the Trojan War. Though fighting on the side of the well-prepared and seasoned Spartans, Odysseus and his men are in a holding pattern because the Trojans are protected within their walled city. This always makes me think of the battle of Jericho, where out of the box thinking and a clever plan are more valuable than brute force. It is only the people’s own foolishness that loses them the protection of the fortress; the stronghold does not fall in Troy.
When we think about Advent, war is probably not fresh on our minds (family battles over the wishbone notwithstanding). However, personal battles can plague our thoughts and prevent us from remembering the true purpose of Advent. The relationship that we have with God is our own personal fortress against all that would come against us, and not only does He promise to protect us, but He promises to deliver us, as well. No matter what trials and attacks we may face, God is our strength in every situation. “A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing,” sings the old hymn. Unlike the stories in “The Odyssey” and even the Bible, this fortress can never fall, can never fail. Our weary world can truly rejoice in the good news that Jesus came to save us, and that salvation stands the test of any battles we face!
Linsey Mastin