“Finding Christ at Advent” has been our theme this year. Since I can’t read your mind, I wonder which Christ you have tried to find this year. Probably the baby Jesus is a typical answer, since we think a lot about the birthday of Jesus, the angels, the wise men, and the shepherds. But Jesus was a preacher, a storyteller, and a miracle worker. If this were the Easter season, the crucified and resurrected Jesus might be your focus.
When I read Matthew 28:19, I picture the risen Jesus as a teacher giving a homework assignment to his students / disciples! Of course, as a retired teacher I might be biased. This verse is part of the “Great Commission,” the marching orders for the original disciples and for us. The words “make disciples of all nations” are challenging to most of us. Perhaps when you were a young person some mature Christian discipled you, helping you learn what being a faithful follower of Jesus entails. Or perhaps you have been a mentor for young believers. Thanks for your service! The “all nations” phrase is intimidating to some of us. Maybe you’ve never been on an international mission trip, but you’ve contributed to the Lottie Moon offering. You can pray for people such as our friends the Copelands who serve in another part of the world. Maybe God has placed you in a strategic place in Shawnee to minister to people who need to know Jesus.
For a long time, I’ve been touched by the words to an old song: “If you can’t preach like Peter, If you can’t pray like Paul, Just tell the love of Jesus, And say He died for all.” Witnessing about Jesus might involve a verbal testimony, performing acts of kindness, or praying for the many needs of our troubled world.
Warren McWilliams