December 17: Psalm 100: 1-2

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”


These are difficult times. In some ways this can always be said, but it rings especially true during a seemingly endless pandemic, social and political unrest, economic inflation, and trials of loss and uncertainty. Being joyful is challenging when navigating these issues of life and when one is weary from the journey. In this season of Advent, we may view joy as something approaching, something we anticipate, something that will find us in the future. But joy is not something for which we passively wait.

Rather, we are called to action. The Psalmist directs us to be joyful now and to bring that joy to the Lord. Not timidly or fearfully—but to SHOUT! We must proclaim this joy loudly, for all the earth to hear so that it may join our praise of God the Father. “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. This praise is not solemn, muted, or dull, but is full of gladness, delight, and jubilation. It is our WORSHIP of our Lord—not because life is easy—but because He is Lord!  We do not wait for some future moment; we are directed to COME before Him, to approach Him in His glory, and express our joy with song.

As the world waited for Christ’s arrival long ago, we now wait for His return. But His joy is not something for which we wait. With joy, we act: SHOUT – WORSHIP – COME – SING!


Michael Dean