December 23

Wednesday, December 23:  1 Samuel 2:1-10

Hannah had been barren and prayed fervently that she would be able to have a son. She promised to dedicate this first son to God’s service. After the blessing of the High Priest Eli, she was able to have children. She gave back to God the son that God had given her.

This is the prayer or song of Hannah when she fulfilled her promise to God that her firstborn son Samuel would be dedicated to serve God. Before she had Samuel, her world was wrong, dismal, and oppressive. In her culture, childlessness must have been a great burden to her sense of self-worth, even though she was favored by Elkanah her husband. Here she expresses her joy and faith in God’s generosity and deliverance in giving her a son.

She is naturally elated at her change in fortune and observes that even as her former misery has been transformed into joy, those who are arrogant may be brought low, and those who are well-fed may become hungry.  Similarly, the poor and destitute may be elevated.  One’s situation can change, and God is in control.

Strength is not effective, particularly if it is in opposition to God. Whether death, life, poverty, or wealth, all is given ultimately by God, so it is wise to be aware of that and be faithful and thankful.

After roughly a thousand years, God gave another son, to Mary and to us. The strength of the political and religious establishment was not ultimately effective in opposing Him. God is still in control.

Mike Atchley