Wednesday April 5th
Scripture Reading Psalm 70
Hymn 144 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (1 and 2)
Responsive Reading 683 Isaiah 53:1-8
Hymn 144 When I Survery the Wondrous Cross (3 and 4)
Sermon “Suffering” Dr. Bobby Kelley
Prayers of the People
Choral Response Jesus in the Garden
Thursday April 6th
Passover Seder led by Baruch Haines in the Fellowship Hall
Friday April 7th
Tenebrae Service
The Approach to God
Prelude Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Hymn of the Cross 143 What Wondrous Love is This
The Service of the Word
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading Psalm 22
The Service of Shadows
The Shadow of Betrayal Matthew 26:20-25
Hymn 134 Jesus Paid it All
The Shadow of the Agony of Spirt and Arrest Matthew 26:36-50
Were You There (cello)
The Shadow of Denial Matthew 26:69-75
“Good Friday” by Christian Rosseti
The Shadow of Accusation Matthew 27:11-14, 20-29
Hymn 137 O, Sacred Head, Now Wounded
The Shadow of Crucifixion and Humiliation Matthew 27:31-43
Piano Mediation
The Shadow of Death Matthew 27:45-54
Hymn 144 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (1-3)
The Christ Candle is Removed
The Shadow of Burial Matthew 27:57-60
“None Other Lamb”
Silen Meditation
The Loud Noise
The Christ Candle is Restored
Hymn of the Cross Hymn 144 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (verse 4)
The People Leave in Silence
Saturday April 8th
Scripture Reading Psalm 31:1-4,15-16
Come Ye Sinners
Scripture Job 14:7-14
Sermon “The Descent into the Dead” Dr. Matt Emerson
The Blessing